Remote Education Provision

Remote Education Provision

27th Jan, 21


Remote Education Provision: Information for Parents/Guardians/Carers 


This information is intended to provide clarity and transparency to students and parents/guardians/carers about what to expect from remote education where national or local restrictions require cohorts to remain at home. 

For details of what to expect where individual students are self-isolating, please see the final page of this document. 

1.         The Remote Curriculum 

Remote education is likely to look and feel a little different to the broad curriculum offered as part of the face-to-face provision; this is however minimised as much as possible given that we see the importance in consistency and in the ability for our students to access the full curriculum offer. 

We will teach and deliver the same curriculum remotely as we do in college wherever possible and appropriate. However, we have needed to make some adaptations in some subjects. For example, work experience sessions will not be able to take place in such circumstances where remote education is required; instead, we will look to offer learning activities which will further enhance employability and transferrable skills to support our students to achieve their aspirations and goals. 

Our remote education will be delivered using GoogleClassroom with live lessons delivered through GoogleMeets. Students will be supported to access the classroom by personal tutors who will also provide support and advice where required to parents/guardians/carers. 

We expect that remote education (including remote teaching and independent work) will take students broadly 6 hours per day, accounting for lunch and rest breaks. During the college day, students will access four 80-minute lessons which cover all aspects of the wider curriculum including Maths, English, enhancement, independent living (where appropriate), health, citizenship and digital skills. All students will also have access to individualised one-to-one sessions with their personal tutor for additional help, support and wellbeing sessions. 

2.         Accessing Remote Education 

How will my son/daughter be taught remotely? 

We use a combination of the following approaches to teach students remotely; 

  • Live teaching (online lessons) delivered by subject specific tutors in line with individual learner timetables each day – each session will last for a minimum of 40 minutes
  • Recorded teaching created by subject specific tutors or other appropriately qualified centre staff or through educational resources provided by the National Academy or Pearson our awarding body 
  • Online activities, tasks and assignments set through GoogleClassroom and linked to specific subject areas 
  • Printed paper packs produced by subject specific tutors which we will post out or drop-off to students as appropriate  
  • Textbooks and/or reading books/materials which we will post out or drop-off for students as appropriate
  • Commercially available websites supporting the teaching of specific subjects or areas, including video clips or sequences
  • Online platforms for skill development aligned to qualification aims such as BKSB and Self-Smart
  • Long-term project work and/or internet research activities to support individual programme aims 

What if my son/daughter does not have digital or online access at home? 

We recognise that some students may not have suitable online access at home or may not be able to access online sessions due to individual need. We pride ourselves on supporting all students to achieve their full potential and so take a number of approaches to support those who are unable to access remote education. 

We will, where possible and appropriate, issue students with tablets to support them to access remote learning and online learning resources. Information and guidance on the provision of equipment is available directly from the Centre Manager. 

Where students are unable to access a device and the college is unable to provide a tablet, we will provide students with weekly printed resource material and tasks to complete which will be supported by telephone communication between tutors and the student at key points during the week. 

Where students are unable to submit their work electronically, we will arrange to collect student work or provide stamped, self-addressed envelopes to ensure the safe postage back to college. 

3.         Engagement and Feedback 

What are your expectations for my son/daughters engagement and the support that we should provide at home? 

We fully understand and appreciate the challenges that remote education can bring to both students’ lives and the wider home life. However, we also recognise the importance of routine and consistency for our students and therefore have a clear set of expectations during remote education.

All of our remote education sessions are recorded for monitoring purposes. This allows not only our students to revisit learning episodes, tutorials and sessions, but also allows us to monitor and review the quality of remote education being provided by our subject specific tutors. 

We expect that students; 

  • Log onto their lessons on time throughout the day, starting and ending the lesson with their camera turned on so that the subject specific tutor can record attendance and engagement
  • Respect the instructions and requests of subject specific tutors at all times
  • Are ready to start the lesson and are situated in a quite space (where available) without distractions 
  • Attend remote lessons prepared with resources as they would in college (paper, writing materials, handouts/worksheets/workbooks etc) 
  • Present themselves appropriately and dressed in appropriate attire
  • Contribute and participate in lessons using their microphone or on-screen chat and do so with respect and understanding for others
  • Respect the online lesson by refraining from eating during sessions; drinking is acceptable, and although we do not allow drinks other than water out during face-to-face sessions, we recognise the need to be flexible with this during remote education
  • Return promptly from breaks throughout the day 

Failure to meet the expectations outlined above may result in students being removed from remote classes or not permitted to enter where there are repeat issues or lateness. 

We expect parents/guardians/carers;

  • To encourage students to retain a consistent routine as if they were attending face-to-face delivery at college 
  • To support students where possible to access remote education
  • To reinforce our expectations of student behaviour and engagement
  • To be present during feedback sessions as requested by college staff 
  • To inform the college if students require additional work, resources or support 
  • To report absences directly to the college on 01257 251 502 or via ParentMail


How will you check whether my son/daughter is engaging with their work and how will I be informed if there are concerns? 

All of our subject specific tutors will complete session attendance records which are submitted directly to the college administrator and centre manager who closely monitor and review student attendance and engagement. We expect all of our students to engage with a minimum of six live sessions per week unless there are extenuating circumstances or reasons for absence from lessons. 

Where there is cause for concern in a student’s engagement and attendance the students personal tutor or the centre manager will contact parents/guardians/carers or the student directly if appropriate to discuss their concerns and develop a plan of action to aid improvement. 

How will you assess my son/daughters work and progress? 

Feedback can take many forms and may not always mean extensive written comments for individual students. For example, whole group feedback or quizzes marked automatically via digital platforms are also valid and effective methods, amongst many others. 

We strive to provide prompt feedback to all students on their work and efforts. We therefore aim to provide feedback to students on a daily basis where appropriate but within a maximum of five days. Our approach to feedback on student work is as follows;

  • Online tasks/activities set through GoogleClassroom will either be marked digitally and automatically according to set criteria, or students will receive short written commentary on their achievements, progress and areas for improvement if appropriate
  • Verbal tasks and activities will receive verbal feedback in the majority of cases, and this will be provided by the subject specific tutor during tasks and activities
  • Formal assessments will be assessed in accordance with the college assessment policy and formal feedback will be provided using BTEC feedback documentation via email/post as appropriate
  • Subject specific tutors may also decide to provide feedback for any assessment verbally within a one-to-one session with a student – parents/guardians/carers can also be present within such discussions if required and appropriate 
  • Where students exceed expectations feedback will be provided in line with the above methods in addition to a postcard of recognition which will be posted direct to the students home address.
  • Where subject specific tutors have cause for concern in a student’s achievement, effort or progress, they will contact parents/guardians/carers or the student directly if appropriate to discuss their concerns and develop a plan of action to aid improvement. 


4.         Additional support for students with particular needs 

How will you work with me to help my son/daughter who needs additional support from adults at home to access remote education? 

We recognise that a large proportion of our students require additional support, and some may not be able to access remote education without support from adults at home. We acknowledge the difficulties this may place on families, and we will work with parents/guardians/carers to support those students in the following ways; 

  • We will provide additional information, advice and guidance on accessing and using remote learning platforms through the provision of a How to Guide for GoogleClassrom and bespoke individualised support from staff to enable families to access remote education
  • We will provide additional one-to-one or one-to-two tutorial sessions to maximise the impact of learning for individual learners with additional needs
  • We will provide a bespoke and adaptive timetable of lessons and curriculum where required to support remote learning
  • We will provide individualised learning resources with guidance notes and directions for parents/guardians/carers to support students remotely 
  • Where possible and appropriate we will offer limited and reduced face-to-face contact for education and on-site access to technology to allow them to access educational online with support from staff. 


5.         Remote education for self-isolating students 

Where individual students need to self-isolate but the majority of their peer group remains in college, how remote education is provided will likely differ from the approach for whole groups and national lockdowns. This is due to the challenges of teaching students both at home and in college. 

We recognise that during these challenging and unforeseen times there are occasions when individual learners will be required to self-isolate or remain at home for prolonged periods of time. During these times we strive to continue to provide education to our students as close as possible to their normal college timetable. We strive to ensure that students self-isolating continue to access a planned and well-sequenced curriculum with meaningful and ambitious work each day across four subjects in line with the college curriculum. 

Where possible and appropriate, we will support such students by video calling them and allowing them to access the live lesson delivered in the college at the same time as their peers. Where this is not possible, subject specific tutors will provide printed/electronic work for students and will provide weekly telephone calls and online video one-to-one sessions with learners to support their development and engagement. 

Any work which is submitted to subject specific tutors will be assessed and feedback provided verbally within three days of submission. However, where student work is submitted via post, the timescale for verbal feedback may be extended depending on the day of receipt. 


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