Preparing for Adulthood

Preparing for Adulthood

Fir Tree College is an Independent Specialist College that is based in the Wigan Borough, just 5 miles from the town centre and easily accessible for students across Greater Manchester (GM) and Lancashire. The college is a niche setting for young people with SEND, primarily those with social, emotional, and mental health (SEMH), learning disabilities and students with ASD. The college provides students with a unique environment to learn, with the facility set in 8 acres of rural private land encompassing woodlands and lakes and offering several log-cabin style classrooms and a polytunnel area for vocational learning opportunities. Several external work experience hubs have also been developed including a fishery, allotments and a working coffee shop to allow students to access supported work experience opportunities beyond the main college site.

Preparing for Adulthood

Our ‘Preparing for Adulthood’ provision offers a personalised curriculum for each student that is developed around their individual education, health and care needs. This translates into a core curriculum that provides learning around English, maths, health, wellbeing, citizenship and employability that is enhanced by a wider curriculum of personalised vocational modules, enrichment opportunities and work experience. To support this, our college pastoral team, including an Occupational Therapist and Counsellor work with students to support wider health and care needs, with our careers team providing individualised careers information, advice and guidance.

For further information, please download our ‘Preparing for Adulthood’ Prospectus HERE.

Fir Tree College has student safety and wellbeing at the heart of all we do. Our safeguarding team work collaboratively to ensure that the learning environment is safe, supportive and adaptive to suit individual needs and challenges. Our Designated Safeguarding Lead, who is also a fully qualified and experience Occupational Therapist works closely with students to offer advice, guidance and learning to ensure everyone can participate fully in their education and progress positively onto the next stage in their journey.

Communication with parents, carers and families is vital to the success of the college and each student’s individual journey onto the next stage of their life. Fir Tree College strive to engage parents throughout the academic year and pride ourselves on building strong and long-lasting relationships with students' families.

At all stages of the programme parents, carers and families are encouraged to share their views, opinions and ideas to help us shape our curriculum, our enrichments and enhance our overall provision. Parents, carers and families are all invited to attend termly coffee mornings, family information events and family transition events which focus on building cohesion amongst our students' and those important to them. Termly reviews provide regular updates on students' progress and attainment while the annual review provides parents, carers and families with the opportunity to discuss progress and set objectives and actions for the coming year alongside college staff and external professionals.

All staff at the college welcome parent and carer engagement, and are available for meetings to discuss concerns, worries, progress and next steps throughout the year. Our occupational therapist and centre manager will provide regular opportunities for additional meetings, and work closely with parents, carers and families to ensure that progression remains positive.

Fir Tree College operates two minibus services throughout the academic year. The minibus services are offered free of charge to students but have limited capacity and places are offered based on evidence of need and support requirements for each student. The minibus service is provided on two routes:

Route one: Wigan youth zone to College via Marsh Green lower shops.

Route two: Leigh Bus Station to College

Some students may also meet the criteria for subsidised transport from the local authority and have special transport arranged for them. Parents or carers should contact their respective local authority to find out details of how this is assessed and the cost of any contribution they may be required to make.

For those students not in receipt of subsidised local authority transport, or for students who want to develop independent travel skills, public transport may be a suitable alternative and transport training can be provided by staff at the college to support them make this step. The college is also well served by bus and train services. The college is a short walk from the nearest bus stop with a regular service to and from Wigan Town Centre. The college is also a short walk from Appley Bridge train station which offers services to and from the surrounding areas.

At Fir Tree College we understand that transition can be challenging and can act as a barrier to some students. Therefore, college staff work closely with several local authority services and schools to ensure positive transition to our post-16 programme with taster days', transition events and opportunities to build relationships with staff and other students'.

The transition process includes regular events in the summer term which explore work experience, team building, college induction and celebration events for all new students' and parents/carers. The college also offer bespoke transition pathways for students' who need further support and encouragement which are planned with our Designated Safeguarding Lead and Centre Manager.

Fir Tree College already has strong links with local specialist schools Including Hope School, Landgate School and Oakfield High School and College as well as mainstream schools including St Peters Catholic High School, The Dean Trust, St John Fisher Catholic High School, The Deanery and St Edmond Arrowsmith High School. Show arounds and taster days will be established within their school timetable which enables potential students to become familiar with the setting of Fir Tree College and help build up a confident relationship with staff prior to their main transition.